Sunflower Fund

Sunflower Fund
Bandana Day

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Updates on Mr and Miss Northfields prep

Hey guys, 

This last week has been very hectic as we all have had to go to form classes again and again to try and get people motivated enough to volunteer to participate in Mr and Miss Northfields. We have had some successes - we have the participants for form 1, 3, 4, L6 and U6. The only remaining participants we need are from form 2 and 5. Hopefully, we will be able to get the names by next week.

Other than that the prep was the event is going smoothly, we are getting the posters and the tickets ready and we are in the process of finding a suitable DJ. We are also looking at decorations and the tents. All in all, everything is going smoothly. However, I am afraid that I may not have time to be able to blog from next week, I will put an entry just before the event - 27th of October but until then, this is me saying bye :)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Changes in the format of Mr and Miss Northfields

Hey everyone!

So, as I told you guys last week, I would tell you what happened in the meeting. But first, let me tell you who is in the committee of organising Mr and Miss Northfields:

We have form Upper Sixth form - Trisha, Maneka, Kevin, Keshee, Kanushka (who will be helping out for some time only since she has her exams to worry about) and me.

From the Lower Sixth group we have - Deepa, Sonam, Sonali, Basanti, Analuxmee, and two new students - Talitha and Evan.

I really appreciate all the work these people have done and are willing to do in the future. Without these guys, I would never have been able to do an event so big. Thanks guys for helping out :)

So, there have been major changes to the format of Mr and Miss Northfields since last year. we have scrapped the seperate dancing section altogether and we have also scrapped the 1 minute speech on "Why should I be selected to win Mr/Miss/Prince/Princess Northfields?".

Instead of that, we have introduced a skit to be performed by all the participants and a rapid-fire round at the end.

This is how it is going to be:

First round: Modelling - Jeans for Genes and Bandanna Day themed.

Second round: Skit by the participants.

Third round: Talent (1 minute for each participant)

Fourth round: Rapid-Fire round.

We are now going to start looking at finding the participants from all form groups and this is going to take some time so I will have to go now - I have to plan how to convince students of various forms to come forward and participate.

Cheers :)

Sunday, 9 September 2012

A little change in plans...

I was looking forward to planning the fashion show for this year's event, suddenly, I realised that our school's annual function was going to be at the same time as my fashion show. Obviously we can't have two events of that magnitude at the same time or around the same time. So, instead of leaving the project altogether, I went to Mrs Waller - the person in charge of Mr and Miss Northfields (our annual function) - and I sat down and talked to her about my predicament.

She suggested that we merge the two events as modelling is already part of Mr and Miss Northfields. So, now the modelling part of Mr and Miss Northfields is going to be Jeans for Genes and Bandanna Day themed. This means that even more people will come and I will be able to raise even more money. This sounds really good. The volunteers that I had gathered have agreed to help me with planning Mr and Miss Northfields and hopefully, this year's Mr and Miss Northfields will be the best one so far!

I have now asked Mrs Hung for a time where all of us (volunteers, me and my friends who have agreed to help and Mrs Waller) can meet up and decide on how we are going to tackle all the details concerning Mr and Miss Northfields and Mrs Hung has been very helpful by letting us have the CAS lesson. I will let you all know what happens in the meeting. Till then, any suggestions as to what we can do differently this year are appreciated. 

Cheers :)

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Back to school

So, this week was the first week back and I have already started looking for volunteers in my form group as well as the Lower Sixth form group because I really would like the tradition of doing something concerning Jeans for Genes and Bandanna Day to live after I have graduated. I think that these two organisations are really worthwhile especially because there are people who are connected to this school by their family who have genetic disorders, so Jeans for Genes is something really close to my heart. 

Sunflower fund is something that I think should be given more importance and recognition to. The people in this organisation do so much to try and find donors for their children and it breaks my heart to know that most people don't even know that their is an organisation like this. That's why I decided to do both Jeans for Genes and Bandanna day.

The response that I have gotten so far is very positive and I am delighted to know that so many people are willing to help me out in planning the fashion week for these organisations. It shows the spirit of the school and I am proud to be a part of this wonderful school. I am so excited for this year's event! I think it is going to be a huge event and hopefully we will be able to raise a lot of money for Jeans for Genes and Bandanna Day!

Jeans for Genes